2023 Mainstream Awakening Series
Mainstream Awakening to Crisis Shock & Awe
By itself, the immigration crisis is disastrous.
Big Media is running cover for the operation.
The lamestream narrative? It's not that bad.
The urgent reality? Chaos is threatening
due to a collapsing economy with
inflation, food shortages, surging
housing prices with falling wages,
the trauma of 2 ½ years of Covid,
media-manufactured dis-ease, etc.
So mass immigration now is just
It's forcing Americans to pay attention
to the process of freedom's ascension
that mainstreams true LOVE retention
with enlightened '5-D comprehension'
(co-Creation’s unified field dimension).
"It is only in the CREATION that all our ideas
or conceptions or a word of God can unite.
The Creation speaketh a universal language...
Do you want to know what God is? Search
Nature's scripture called the Creation."
~ Thomas Paine, from THE AGE OF REASON
Urgent Alert for ‘Cultural Creatives’
(Light-servers, light-weavers, LOVEmakers)
with exceptional videos & articles at:
This mailing list is announce-only.
BBS Radio Cosmic Love
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