BBS Radio Contact Follow-UP

From: "BBS Radio List" <heartcom@PROTECTED>
Subject: BBS Radio Contact Follow-UP
Date: November 16th 2019
Three Reasons This May Interest You

by Christopher Rudy, Host of BBS Radio's
Cosmic LOVE Show, 12th year

Seize the Vision, Embrace the Virtue
And Claim the Victory

You once contacted me through BBS Radio regarding a show proposal, and I'm responding now with 3 things that may interest you:

1- If you are interested in Nature's most perfect nutrition at the source of the food chain - for sponsoring your website or just to love your body - check out This nutraceutical-grade Swedish Pollen Extract is used by medical doctors in drip-IV's for immunotherapy worldwide. I've been the wholesale distributor of the powder form in North America since 1987.

2- I've published a weekly blog - the 2019 Global rEVOLUTION - that you can access for free. It's an eclectic news review with many embedded videos and articles not reported in the lamestream media... like the global 'reset' (shift) from Deep State to High State.

3- If you are interested in a realistic vision for global holistic healing of our core social, political and economic institutions, consider the '
TLC Connection' with Global TeLeComm and Global TeLeCare as cultures TeLeCommunity with abundant social conscience (TeLeConscience) at the heart of the Next Economy - TeLeCommerce. And with a universal interface for global interaction at the heart of it.

Keep the Faith in a
TLC High State that sooner or later heals the dystopian Deep State. 

For Our Holistic Health,
~ Christopher Rudy,
Host of Cosmic LOVE and
Director of UltraMedics Services

PS: If you would like to sample the Swedish Pollen Extract, my cost is going up soon, so order now at the same price as the last five years at

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BBS Radio Cosmic Love

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