September 14th 2021 UTC
2021 Aquarian Spring Prelude Series*Powerful TLC/-in-Action/ to the Rescue!**FEATURING… The Global **TLC** Connection:*A Universal Interface *for* Global TeLeComm Unity;Conscience Currency *for* Global TeLeConscience;Whole Systems Healing Model ~ Global TeLeCare; Economics of Abundance ~ Global TeLeCommerce.PLUS… a timely message from the* Seven Archangels* At: *‘Love Rescue’*. ...Continue Reading
September 11th 2021 UTC
2021 Aquarian Spring Prelude Series *Mainstreaming the Great Awakening** * The Great Awakening of Unity in Diversity, also known as the '*C*ocreation *A*scent *P*rocess' (*CAP*)... is lifting the veil on the 5D ‘*CAP*stone’ Continued* **HERE* ...Continue Reading
September 6th 2021 UTC
2021 Aquarian Spring Prelude Series Crisis of Compassion in the Medical Field The pharmacidal cult of modern medicine has succeeded to the point where gross defects in the health care system obscure actual gains. Politics and economics of monopoly medicine have become more complex than the science for building holistic health to prevent disease. The ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure has become a pound of cure worth 16x’s more. Common sense health care has been inverted, ...Continue Reading
August 22nd 2021 UTC
2021 Aquarian Spring Prelude Series August 22, 2021 / Full Moon in Aquarius Dynamics of the Great Awakening Awakening from the nightmare is necessary before awakening to the extraordinary opportunity for general enlightenment and Aquarian community at all levels – local and global. *Been down so long, it looks like up from here!* The nightmare has been the mass psychosis of the last 18 months… as explained in the first video of the previous compendium. There’s nothing more cynical and evil than a sick-corrupt heal ...Continue Reading
August 18th 2021 UTC
2021 Aquarian Spring Prelude SeriesA ‘Mad Magazine’ for Mature AdultsThat's right folks, you are a potential terrorist if you protest putting face-diapers on children, or injecting them -- and pregnant mothers -- with toxic, experimental, genetic-altering 'vaccines'. Either you accept the official propaganda, that Biden was elected President, fair and square, or you may also be a pesky potential terrorist.So we're told to get along by going along with the psychology of subservience to tyranny, and &nb ...Continue Reading
August 11th 2021 UTC
2021 Aquarian Spring Prelude Update on the Global r/EVOLUTION/ I just added four videos to the 8-8 New Moon compendium HERE. *Thanks* for all response with content suggestions, videos, articles, etc. The Heartcom Network is an open community that empowers ‘wisdom of the crowd’ through ‘voluntarism’, contributing as able and willing. The pure intent of this community is ‘Heartcom’ (with Heart), as will ‘involve & evolve’ (culture) personal and planetary social consciousness in our ubiquitous worldwide ...Continue Reading
August 8th 2021 UTC
2021 Aquarian Spring Prelude Series *Beyond Fear Porn and Tyranny Tactics* The war for our hearts and mind has intensified. The collective consciousness of global humanity is extremely polarized with divisive 'FEAR' (False Evidence Appearing Real). In the past month, there's been a sudden deluge of covid vaccination and passport propaganda... documented in my previous compendium HERE. This is a natural consequence of the *GREAT AWAKENING.* People worldwide - the vast major ...Continue Reading
August 1st 2021 UTC
2021 Aquarian Spring Prelude Series *Pandemic Racket Is Being Outed* There are a relative few brave souls who have clearly exposed the false flag and abject tyranny we’ve seen this last year. Perhaps the most clearly outspoken on the massive pharmacidal delusion is… … Continued HERE ...Continue Reading
July 31st 2021 UTC
2021 Aquarian Spring Prelude *Quantum Field Astrology and ‘Cosmic Weather’ Now* *It’s that time folks!* DO OR DIE FOR LIGHT & LOVE: *Activate!** **Accelerate!** Ascend!* The Triple-A Initiation for A-Team Initiates Continued at: *Cosmic Weather Now* ...Continue Reading
July 24th 2021 UTC
2021 Aquarian Spring Prelude Series Full Moon in Aquarius Special Report *Keep the Faith In Aquarian Virtues* Several exceptional videos in this compendium. This is the ordained time of prophetic Revelation whereby global Netizens wake up, wise up, and are 'rising up' (ascending) with new awareness of unspeakable evil exposed and transcended. So Claim the Victory of Global Freedom with Uplifting Vision, Virtue and Valor at: * **Keep the Faith In Aquarian Virtues* All Ways *LOVE*... Always, ...Continue Reading
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