2022 Great Turn-Around Series
Great Awakening Revelations
I’ve upgraded the last 3 compendiums with much needed final corrections, additions and a total of 18 videos.
4-16-2022 / Full Moon
Resurrection & Ascent ~ Self & Civilization
Aquarius Ends the Great Reset Psy-Op
5-1-2022 / New Moon
May Day Report – Major Revelation
THANKS to family and friends who helped me through this last month with eye surgery and the move of my office and apartment to a much improved space. I had cataracts removed with new lenses inserted in both eyes – seeing much better now!
Revelations are fast and furious these days, so these compendiums are my contribution to Aquarius, providing signs of the times that define and refine general enlightenment for our evolutionary ascent to a High State of Cosmic Love that makes the Deep State obsolete.
“You never change things by fighting the
existing reality. To change something,
build a new model that makes the
existing model obsolete.”
~ Buckminster Fuller
A new model of Cosmic-Universal LOVE
- the heart of Global TeLeComm unity -
makes the existing model of global fear,
divisiveness and dystopian degeneration
So Keep the Faith – See the Good
and Make it So!
~ Christopher
PS: I’m shipping orders for SPX again.
You can still get the old prices at:
‘Royal Jelly’. (prices going up).
This mailing list is announce-only.
Full spectrum
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