August 12th 2023 UTC
2023 Mainstream Awakening Series I've returned from a much needed vacation, reflecting on the cosmic scheme of things * as above ~ so below*. *Mainstreaming Enlightened Common Sense* From Deep State to High State The love of power without Constitutional principle has created a ‘shadow government’ (Deep State) - also known as the Corporatocracy - just as the Constitution of Aquarian LOVE will mainstream ‘whole systems’ (holistic) holiness and healing with upgrade of ‘Common Sense’ ( ...Continue Reading
July 29th 2023 UTC
2023 Mainstream Awakening Series Just saying… This network of Cosmic LOVE heart-friends has been my extended family over the years. * *Thanks for keeping in touch. *I Am Grateful*:) I’m leaving town in a few days, so if you want to order SPX Superfood at the summer sale price, go to Swedish Pollen Extract… now. * Same old prices – a non profit service :)* Highlights of 2023 Some parting thoughts – highlights of the year FEATURING: - Archetypal Ascent Thoughtforms; - Prim ...Continue Reading
July 18th 2023 UTC
2023 Mainstream Awakening Series *Choosing the Future We All Want* *Personal Message for Subscribers:* */"I'm retiring from the limelight; going behind the scenes."/* *FULL DISCLOSURE* Most of those reading this have been getting my newsletter for five+ years. As you know, I've been very prolific sharing news the last seven years that the lamestream media censors. It seems that my 'entire life' (wiki-bio) was preparation for the last 3 years when I saw an existential ...Continue Reading
July 12th 2023 UTC
2023 Mainstream Awakening Series *Reality Report - An Amazing Week* For three decades I've been wondering HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE (with the computer/Internet revolution) for global Netizens to finally wake up, wise up and 'rise up' (ascend) in ways that naturally neutralize the dystopian 'crazy making' (cognitive dissonance). Never before in modern history have we seen so many signs of the times with open source media evidence of dark-side Deep State machination ...Continue Reading
July 4th 2023 UTC
2023 Mainstream Awakening Series Celebrating Our Revolutionary Heritage *From Great Awakening* *to Great Enlightenment* Emphasizing 90% of the word r/EVOLUTION/ */"I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical."/* ~ Thomas Jefferson THE STORM IS UPON US FOLKS! Huge waves of the *Aquarian Quantum Age* are breaking on the shore of social conscience in our ubiquitous global social networks. A new */Common ...Continue Reading
June 25th 2023 UTC
2023 Mainstream Awakening Series Reality Report: *Letter to the Editor of Your Newspaper* Use this letter as a model for your own personalized letter or in social media. Just copy and paste what you can use but under your own name, of course. The tide is turning folks, and the global revolution that is brewing will expose the abuse that demands an upgrade. Use social media to link the light of the Whole Truth as neutralizes the Big Lie. Claim the victory of mass up-wising and uprising ...Continue Reading
June 21st 2023 UTC
2023 Mainstream Awakening Series Weekly Great Awakening Revelations SUMMER SOLSTICE 2023 In the cosmic scheme of Earth’s yearly cycle, Summer Solstice is the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere. Since ancient times, the solstice has been an event of cosmic connection with The Source Field. This is a good time to center & connect with your divine gifts and talents in the image and likeness of the Creator and the process of co-Creation in your life. CONTINUED with cosmic content at: *SUMMER SOLSTICE 2023 ...Continue Reading
June 18th 2023 UTC
2023 Mainstream Awakening Series *Biggest Global Reality Show in History* The Ultimatum of World War or Peace; *UTOPIA OR OBLIVION* Either the *Aquarian Dream* Crushes ‘UN*reality**’* Or ‘UN*reality*’ Crushes the *Aquarian Dream* *What’s it gonna be? * Subservient slaves with suffering self-sabotage that is ‘*S*tuck *I*n *N*egativity’ (*SIN*)? Or sovereign free via ‘up-wising and up-rising’ (conscientious evolutionary ascent) as a ‘*P*ersonal *E*mpowerment *P*rocess’ (*PEP*)? *FOOD** FOR THOUGH ...Continue Reading
June 11th 2023 UTC
2023 Mainstream Awakening Series *Greatest Reality Show on Earth!* Tucker is Back - Liberal Media in Meltdown This world is an epic test for souls of Conscience, and that test is reaching a climax. */Big News Breaking Fast Folks!/* Check headlines, videos, cartoons, and create your own customized *Multi-Media Show.* CONTINUED at: *Media Meltdown* ...Continue Reading
June 3rd 2023 UTC
2023 Mainstream Awakening Series *EBS Notifications Worldwide* Preparations are being made in many nations with public notification of upcoming activation of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) with a message of global transitioning to the Quantum Financial System plus end of the fake ‘Fed’ and their CBDC ‘BS’ (Belief System). *Personal Note:* I hope I’ve prepared you for some serious ‘Shock and Awe’ (in previous newsletters), otherwise what’s coming with an economic systems reboot might totally freak yo ...Continue Reading
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