August 29th 2020 UTC
2020s Global Co-Creation Series August 29, 2020 / Battle for the Soul of America A Compendium on the *Great Awakening* The Transformation to a ‘Global Village’; the ALL-connected Family of Mankind Global Crisis Challenges & Opportunity The Aquarian Mandate – Prime Directive *Videos and articles of the week at:* ENJOY, ~ Christopher ...Continue Reading
August 19th 2020 UTC
The Deep State High State Two-Step August 18, 2020 / New Moon in Leo */"Some things are moving forward, Some things are going back, I choose to focus on the blessings of life, Instead of upon the lack." /* by Kaypacha, August 12th Update So keep dancing folks; the Aquarian two-step. Two steps forward, one step back; REPEAT. Dance like no one is watching; no judgment. And love like you've never been hurt - enjoy! Aquarius is the collective, and the futur ...Continue Reading
August 10th 2020 UTC
Resending this. Website went down. OK for now. ~ Christopher *The 8-8 Lion's Gate Compendium* *The energetic high point of the Lion's Gate* This portal opens each year at the end of July. It's peaking now but waning through mid August. It's called the Lions Gate because it aligns with the quantum field sector called ‘Leo – the Lion’. There is a unique history to this ‘Lion’s Gate’ in relationship to the Pleiades Star Sirius and the Galactic center – Alpha and Omega, etc., *enhancing portal r ...Continue Reading
August 9th 2020 UTC
2020s Global Co-Creation Series *The 8-8 Lion's Gate Portal* *The energetic high point of the Lion's Gate* This portal opens each year at the end of July. It's peaking now, and open through mid August. It's called the Lions Gate because it aligns with the astrology field Leo. The gateway is amplified via alignment with the Pleiades Star Sirius and the Galactic center... Alpha and Omega, etc... *enhancing gateway resonance between* *physical and spiritual worlds, as in* */"as above ~ so ...Continue Reading
August 1st 2020 UTC
2020s Global Co-Creation Series *Social War Versus Social Conscience* Either we wake up, wise up and rise up with a unified field of social conscience or a corrupt medical-industrial complex will */make a killing/* reducing population */"for our health"/*. The Mask Debate, Tyranny Tactics And the TLC Alliance *Compendium with 5 videos HERE* ...Continue Reading
July 18th 2020 UTC
Global Co-Creation Series Summer Soul Soaring And Crisis Update A new compendium with a guided meditation… soaring over the world while taking inventory of the current event with global mass awakening. Winning from the beginning of Aquarius with a vision of virtue and valor for the VICTORY – SOUL SOARING! *Give it about nine years folks.* Aquarian Spring is just beginning. Keep in mind how we are winning. Enjoy this guided meditation with nine videos to choose from at: SOUL SOARING. ~ Christopher ...Continue Reading
July 7th 2020 UTC
LOVE is the Master’s Key to Aquarian Divine Reality July 6, 2020 / /“Dear ones, the greatest darkness always rears its head before the greatest dawn.”/ ~ from Saint Germain’s July 4th message: / Eternal Vigilance Is the Price of Personal, National and Planetary Freedom/ Continued with another inspired short video at: Aquarian Testing of Souls Keep the Faith, See the Good, and */Make it So!/* ...Continue Reading
July 4th 2020 UTC
How to Celebrate the Spirit of ’76 Worldwide Just imagine what U.S. Founding Fathers would do if they were alive to upgrade 5 Core Net Freedoms with a universal interface for global TeLeComm, plus free online TeLeCare for holistic health *assurance*. I’ve upgraded my July 4th Special Edition with new info-graphics and nine great videos to choose from. You’re Up-to-Date Special Issue *HERE*. */Keep the Spirit of ’76 Alive!/* PS: July 4th Blow-out Sale of SPX for readers only. Half price for half case (6 ...Continue Reading
June 28th 2020 UTC
2020s Global Co-Creation Updates Celebrating the 4th of July Now is the Time of Global r/EVOLUTION;/ Update on the 'Whole Systems Reset'; Where the 'Live Exercise' is Going. Includes Video of the Year at: *July 4th Celebration* Share this widely to enjoy the 'fireworks', ...Continue Reading
June 20th 2020 UTC
2020s Global Co-Creation Series June 20, 2020 – Rare Solstice Eclipse by Christopher Rudy In many time zones, this eclipse occurs on the same day as the June Solstice. The only other time an annular solar eclipse coincides with June solstice in this century is on June 21, 2039. There are three good reasons for making this a sacred event. Continued at: Rare Solstice Eclipse ...Continue Reading
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