December 25th 2020 UTC
*Personal Christmas Letter* The Year in Review & Preview *'Star' VISION* *2021 IN SIGHT* *THE NEXT ECONOMY* *CONSCIENCE CURRENCY* *UNITED SOVEREIGNS OF EARTH* *CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION REVOLUTION* *Global* *TLC HEALTH ASSURANCE* The gift of *20-20 VISION* (hind sight) that prepares us for 2021 foresight. Personal Christmas Letter to Family & Friends *HERE*. ...Continue Reading
December 19th 2020 UTC
2020s Global Co-Creation Series Winter Solstice – The Turning Point Things are going to lighten up folks. The long dark winter is ending. This is a good time to celebrate the victory of light over dark winter. A timely compendium at: *Winter Solstice 2020* Heaven knows the cosmic timeline and adjudicates the morphing of the matrix with cosmic cycles that are inexorable. Be aware of BIG tests coming with signs of the times that indicate a major societal restructuring… for many years to come. Also ...Continue Reading
December 17th 2020 UTC
2020s Global Co-Creation Series *We Are the Media ~ Mediating Reality* Mediating How We Think About ALL THAT IS REAL If you think about it, all social, political & economic problems are basically *communication problems*; inability to come-into-unity (commune) or otherwise communicate REAL solutions for REAL community. Conceive ‘IT’ and believe ‘IT’ to achieve ‘IT’; *I*nternet *T*elecommunity with ‘heartware’. CONTINUED at: *We Are The Media* ~~~~~~~~~ If you want to own your own life, *OWN YOUR ...Continue Reading
December 14th 2020 UTC
2020s Global Co-Creation Series Christmas Spirit for a World in Despair Lots of in many 'packages' for you. I'll unpack them in this new compendium; food for thought for the truly thoughtful. Dec 14, 2020 / New Moon Solar Eclipse Compendium continued HERE 2020 Christ Mass ...Continue Reading
December 4th 2020 UTC
2020s Global Co-Creation Series *Important Reality Report on the Election* Fast-Breaking News on the Battle for the Soul of Global Humanity. It's that important! *Food for thought for the truly thoughtful* Compendium of videos and articles at: ELECTION FRAUD REALITY REPORT ...Continue Reading
December 1st 2020 UTC
2020s Global Co-Creation Series Big Picture (Full Moon) Reality Report *The Light Surges ~ The Alliance Unites!* As above, so below; more light, less dark. The veil is thinning and heaven is winning. *FEATURING: The Art of Love and War:* - November Review => Dec. Preview; - Battle for the Soul of the Republic; - Global ‘Wising Up’ and Rising Up; - Calling in the Angels~Angles of Cosmic LOVE. CONTINUED at: *Full Moon Reality Report* ...Continue Reading
November 24th 2020 UTC
2020s Global Co-Creation Series WHAT IS THE GREAT RESET? Compendium In Three Parts with Five Videos: 1- */“The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated On an Unsuspecting Public”/* 2- */“The Greatest Crime in the History of this Country” /*(and World) 3- The Great Reset vs Great Awakening: How Deep State medical Martial law utilizes fear-based tyranny tactics that get us to surrender core freedoms for health until fear forges our fetters and we lose both freedom and our ...Continue Reading
November 14th 2020 UTC
2020s Global Co-Creation Series Urgent Alert - This is an American Coup *An Active U.S. Coup Takeover is in Process - A Revolution Against Our Constitution and the Republic* Mainstream media independence has been compromised and otherwise subverted by the Deep State corporatocracy that serves giant monopolies such as Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Banks, Big Tech, and the Big War industries whose corporate laws state that the stockholders (owners) come before the public when corporate profits are at ...Continue Reading
November 9th 2020 UTC
2020s Global Co-Creation Series *Global Reset to Heaven or Hell?* *What New World Order Do They Want? And Who Is ‘They’?* *It’s time for the masks to come off, but FIRST the mask covering up THE PLANDEMIC PERPS.* *It’s time to identify, track and trace power elite plandemic perpetrators at the highest level of collaborative tyranny over the hearts and minds of ‘US’ United Sovereigns of Earth.* *The Big Event is morphing FAST.* *Important new compendium of videos and articles at:* ** ...Continue Reading
November 7th 2020 UTC
2020s Global Co-Creation Series *Trump Prevails with Sting Operation* *Sensational News of the Day Video of the Year!* Friday Nov 6th, 2020 ** *Heartcom Network* / On November 5th, 2020, Dr. Steve Pieczenick - InfoWars Intelligence Insider - explains how President Trump set-up Democrats with the */“largest sting operation in American history” /*to catch them stealing the 2020 election. As the video details, legit ballots in battleground states were watermarked and electronically tagged with what's called the QFS-bl ...Continue Reading
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